Master the Hihat
Play creative, great-feeling, musical grooves.
WATCH: Get your LEFT FOOT working together with your hands for all the COOL HIHAT SOUNDS.

"The details in which Master The Hihat broke down the technique that makes smooth 16th notes possible and great-sounding were exactly what I needed. I’ve never practiced in the way you laid things out; the exercises were fun and motivating to practice and produced noticeable daily improvement. I can now play grooves and songs that I couldn’t before…and often don’t realize how fast I’ve been playing because it’s so effortless. And no doubt one of the biggest improvements I find is in my sound! “Sizzles” are smoother, and “chicks” are crisper. Being able to create grooves that sound and feel great takes a lot of practice, and Master The Hihat unlocks the mystery behind making it possible!”
Lisa, online student
There's a big problem standing in the way of you reaching your creative groove potential on the drums:
You can’t get your left foot to work well with your hands so that you can create all the cool open notes and barks that you hear on your favorite records, and your right hand has a tough time getting that up-and-down Moeller motion happening for 16ths.
Before you know it, you’re losing hope in your ability to groove like your favorite drummers. No matter how hard you try, your hihat patterns just don’t feel as smooth, natural, and musical as your drumming idols’.
But not any more.

One of a Kind Method
The only course out there that specifically teaches you everything there is to know about the hihat. This is your one-stop-shop.

This is Game-Changing.
Be the musical groove-master you've always known you could be. Master hihat 16ths AND left foot coordination so that you can find YOUR voice on the drums.
I believe that EVERY drummer can master the hihats.
You MUST do this to fully step into the creative drumming you’re made to do. Mastering the hihat is an essential part of mastering the drumset. And I believe YOU CAN DO THIS.
I feel your pain. When I was first getting started on the drums, I couldn’t do anything with my left foot. My right hand 16ths were also a mess, and I definitely couldn’t keep up a Moeller pattern for more than a couple of bars.
Thankfully, I was blessed with a great teacher and some great resources to help me overcome this. I want to help YOU overcome this, too. This method has been helping a bunch of my students, and I’ve been teaching this system to my one-on-one students for years.

Let me be your guide and your coach, and we’ll get you reaching true hihat mastery.
Here’s how we’ll do it!
Conquer Smooth, Fast One-Handed Moeller-Style Hihat 16ths at 80bpm
...and discover how proper stick placement on the hats is actually what makes this possible! (MODULE #4)
Blast Beyond the "Left-Foot-2 & 4" Default and Find Your Foot Freedom!
Discover the simple method that unlocks your left foot's independence & musical potential on the hihat. You can totally do this. (MODULES #2 & #3)
Learn The 4 Stand & Cymbal Adjustment Points for a Hihat Sound 10x Better
You'll win half the battle before even picking up your sticks, and your hats will sound 10x better right off the bat. (MODULE #1)
Discover the Secret to the "Sucking Sound" and How to Play Musical "Cuts" or "Barks" on the Hats
This isn't nearly as difficult as you think. Find out the unique technique that instantly makes your hihat open notes 10x more musical. (MODULE #5)
Learn a Practice System for Building & Maintaining Your Hihat Skills, Even if You're Busy!
You'll learn how to practice all of this regularly, even if you've only got 30 minutes a day. (BONUS VAULT)
Learn How You Can Use Your Practice Pad Alone to Improve Your Hihat 16ths Tremendously
You can practice the most important, core, foundational hihat techniques anywhere, anytime!
How Much Will This Cost?
Now I could teach all of this to you personally, but that would probably run you upwards of $1,000 by the time we make it through all the content! Instead, I’d rather place a resource in your hands that you can dig into and continue referencing for years. This is over a thousand dollars worth of detailed teaching, all wrapped up in a discounted package for you. For a single payment of $147, you can get the complete course. No gimmicks - It’s that simple.
The 100% Nothing-To-Lose Guarantee
And of course, this all comes with my 100% guarantee. If you aren't getting results in the first 60 days, I’ll refund you 100%. Whether the methods don’t jive with you, you don’t like my teaching style, or you don’t like my hair gel or unkempt beard, I’ll gladly refund you within 60 days, no questions asked. Just shoot me an email. Give the course a try by clicking the big red "enroll" button below! You’ve got nothing to lose.
By the way, I'd like to include some pretty cool BONUS FEATURES for you!
With either of the "BONUS" editions of the course... You’ll not only receive tons of quality instruction that will drastically elevate your hihat playing, but you’ll also receive a couple of valuable extras...
- Custom evaluation / critique video to give you clear feedback on your playing (+One-on-one coaching if you'd like)
- Video of 2 of my personal realtime practice sessions so you can see how I practice the hihat (unedited, mistakes and all!).
Choose How You Learn! Here's what you'll get:
- The Lesson. See everything broken down and explained.
- Personal Evaluation. Know exactly what to strategically work on!
- Workbook with Bonus Materials. See everything written out and summarized, and see all the notation of every exercise and groove we learn.
- Audio Play-A-Long Examples. Practice every exercise and groove along with the audio examples.
- Lots of Slow Motion Footage and Multiple Camera Angles. See the nitty gritty minute details of technique. Analyze exactly what's going on.
- Split Screen View for Watching Hihat Demonstrations. See what my foot is doing while watching my hands on the hats as well.

"I have learned so much in a very short period of time from Stephen’s great instruction. The course's content is pure gold with precious gems encapsulated in very easy-to-follow lessons. The material is impeccably well presented, and I'm pretty sure that regardless of your current proficiency level you will always find tons of new information and tips that will improve your playing. I have purchased dozens of very good courses in the past and this is by far the best course I have ever invested in. Do not wait any longer to get better at the drums! Enroll in this course, do the work (practice), and without any doubt you will enjoy great results."
- Andres, Online Student
Think ahead 6 months from now...
- By the end of the course you’ll know everything I know and you’ll be able to put your new skills into practice.
- The personal evaluation will have illuminated your weak spots, and you will be shocked at how much you’ve grown as a drummer just in the short time it takes to work through the course.
- Your practicing will become much more purposeful and fulfilling (since you’ll be making steady progress!).
- Your band mates will be amazed at how much better your grooves feel and how much more confidently you’re laying down the time.
- You’ll be tackling challenging (and musical!) hihat parts with ease, and you will have found your own unique voice on the drums. The hihat is a great place to create a personal sound and put your “stamp” on the music you play.
So let's get started! Take advantage of our totally risk-free, 60-day guarantee. Try out the course for 60 days, and if you don’t get the results you expect, I’ll gladly refund you 100%. Or if you aren’t able to whip that left foot into shape or loosen up that right hand for 16ths... I’ll give you your money back. Or if you just don’t like the way my videos look or how I tuned my drums or what type of hair gel I used… I’ll gladly refund every penny. This is a no-hassle, no-questions-asked money-back guarantee, so grabbing the course right now is a total no-brainer.
- Stephen
P.S. - I'm super excited about being able to offer a custom, personalized critique video to you as you work through the course. However, I won't be able to keep doing these down the road as more folks enroll over time. Grab your copy of the course today while I'm still able to keep up with evaluations, and get the maximum value out of this lesson series.
You see, there are 3 things I believe to be true about you:
1. You CAN master the hihat, because hand technique and foot coordination are LEARNED skills.
2. Your drumming doesn't ever have to be boring again. You are fully capable of becoming the expressive, creative drummer you're made to be.
3. You can do this, even if you're busy. 30 minutes a day is all you need to master the hihats long term.
Master the hihat now, and reach your full creative potential.
Click the big “enroll” button below to reserve your spot in the course now. It’s time to revolutionize your hihat-playing AND save you a whole bunch of time in the process. Join me in the course!
Navigate back to Total Hand FreedomHere's What We're Covering...
Lesson 1: How 4 Simple Adjustments to Your Stand Can Drastically Improve Your Sound
- How You Know Your Hats Are Placed Properly Within Your Kit
- The One Factor That Tells You if Your Hats are at the Right Height
- The Trap Many Drummers are Falling Into: Avoiding the WRONG Cymbal Distance Apart & Bottom Hat Angle
- Clutch Tightness & Spring Tension: The 2 Underrated Factors that Can Make or Break Your Sound
Lesson 2: Why Heel-Up vs Heel-Down DOES Matter with Hihat: Create Chicks, Splashes, & Sizzles
- The Best Technique for Playing Left Foot Chicks
- How to Play Splashes With Ease & Consistency
- How to Play Left Foot Sizzles
- Left Foot Technique SLOW MOTION Footage
Lesson 3: BLAST Past Left Foot 2 & 4: Exercises & Techniques for MASSIVELY Increasing Your Independence
- The First Steps for Breaking Past 2 & 4
- The Key Motion that Will Put Your Left Foot Timekeeping on Autopilot
- The BIG SHORTCUT! How to Trick Your Left Foot Into Syncopation with a Simple Exercise
- Vocabulary BOOST: How You Can Use a Popular Rudiment to Build Musical, Syncopated Grooves
- Multicam Demos & Song Demonstrations
Lesson 4: Six Simple Steps for Playing Fast, One-Handed, Moeller-Style Hihat 16ths at 80bpm
- Rebound is Key: How to Grip for Absolute Smoothness & Speed
- How to UNLEARN REBOUND: Creating the "Accent-Tap" Pattern
- The One Stick Position on the Hats that Makes Silky-Smooth HH 16ths Effortless
- How to UP Your Hihat Chops & Endurance: Finger Workouts for Increasing Speed & Dexterity
- How You Can Use Doubles & "Fast Fours" to Play Swung Patterns Better
- Using All the Skills You've Learned So Far to Put Together the Hihat 16th Groove at 80bpm!
- Multicam Demos, SLOW MOTION Footage, and Song Demonstrations
Lesson 5: The SECRET to Making SUCKING Sounds & Barks Sound Awesome!
- How to "SUCK" on the Hats (in a good way!)
- The Easy Method for Playing Quick, Open-Hat "Stabs" or "Barks"
- How the "Slice-by-Slice" Method Will Trick Your Brain into Playing Some Crazy-Hard Hihat Grooves
- Crazy-Hard Grooves Part 2: How to Incorporate Alternating Hands Patterns
- Multicam Demos, SLOW MOTION Footage, and Song Demonstrations
Lesson 6: Find YOUR Freedom & Creative Voice: Make Your Playing Sound PRO by Learning to Improvise With Your Left Foot!
- How to Use DYNAMICS to Make Your Hats Sound More Professional & 100x More Musical
- Improvisation: Finding Your Voice on the Hats (part 1)
- Improvisation: Finding Your Voice on the Hats (part 2)
- Multicam Demos, and Song Demonstrations
- How to Continue Growing Exponentially Beyond This Course (Setting Goals Part 1)
- Staying Motivated & Inspired as You Grow (Setting Goals Part 2)
- Alternating 16th Groove Fundamentals
- Should I Play a Hihat 16th Groove ALTERNATING or ONE-HANDED?
- How You Can Play an Entire Gig with Just Kick-Snare-Hats!
- Should You Put the Bottom Hihat on Top??
- What If I'm Practicing All of This on an E-Kit?
- GIANT HIHATS: Considerations for Using 20" Hats
- How to Maintain These Skills: Developing a Practice Routine
PLUS we've got a whole bunch of additional content beyond the basics laid out here! Within each "lesson" or "part" you'll find PDFs to help simplify concepts and provide written "action steps," as well as play-along examples you can use to solidify your learning and deepen your practicing. We've pulled out all the stops and we've been sure to include all the extra material you need to help you succeed and gain a ton of value out of this course.