Are you dealing with?...
Clumsy limbs that won’t lock together
Failing to play what you hear in your head
Inability to confidently play with a band
Everything being difficult on the drums
Fear that you won’t EVER feel comfortable on the drumsÂ
Discover the system that puts all 4 limbs on autopilot and gives you the SUPERPOWER to have a blast playing whatever you want to play on the kit - So that you’re amazing yourself & anyone who hears you.
Find out how YOU can do all of this as we dive into:
- The 3 deadly mistakes most beginners are unintentionally making that are causing everything you play to be MORE DIFFICULT than it should be
The complete 4-way coordination method that puts all 4 limbs on autopilot, makes everything you ever play easier, and allows you to have FUN on the drums again!
"I have to say that this is by FAR the BEST drumming program I have ever participated in...
"I can't say enough of how helpful these lessons have been for my drumming! I HIGHLY recommend that everyone out there, regardless of age... sign up for every course that Stephen has available!"

"My coordination has obviously improved enough to play things in a live gig that I wouldn't have tried previously.
"The band have asked me to become a regular drummer for them. Thank you."

"I'm able to focus on how best to navigate the kit... and I've noticed my ability to increase tempo...has dramatically improved.
"I finally get what you mean by having musical freedom through independence limb coordination. Great stuff!"

Here's the deal.
There are 3 mistakes keeping beginners from building the 4-way coordination that makes everything you play easier, quicker to learn, and more fun.
- Spending the majority of your practice time learning & practicing songs. (Because without an actual method for building your coordination, you’ll get stuck when you run into a challenging section of a song.)
- Spending the majority of your practicing time working on coordination exercises & drills. (Because if all you practice are boring exercises, you’ll get bored, burn out, and fail to experience the musical growth you desire.)
- Making the assumption that you won’t ever REALLY gain 4-way coordination. Your brain isn’t capable…this is too far fetched… you should stop dreaming. (The thing is - Nothing could be further from the truth, because limb independence is a 100% learned skill that ANY drummer can learn step by step over time.)
You see…Without 4-way coordination, everything you ever play on the drums will be difficult. WITH 4-way coordination, everything you play will be way easier and much more fun.
Unfortunately, though, too many drummers are facing crippling issues that prevent them from ever stepping into the coordination abilities they’re capable of.
Tell me if you relate to this…
Odds are, if you haven’t built full 4-way coordination then you’re likely dealing with a few (if not all!) of these things:
- You come up with great musical ideas, but you struggle to make them happen on the kit
- You feel like your brain just doesn’t have enough “bandwidth”
- You can’t keep time with your left foot during a groove
- …and right foot always wants to follow right hand - You can’t seem to split the two apart!
- Feet are slow & clumsy and unable to creatively participate in grooves & fills
- You struggle to feel relaxed & creative because you’re having to think really hard just to hold it all together
- You feel unbalanced on the kit and you can’t relax
- Your tom grooves & fills around the kit are shaky & sloppy…
- And anytime you change your right hand timekeeping pattern, the whole groove gets thrown off.
- You easily get stuck on difficult parts of songs, and you’re unable to move forward
- You can’t seem to shake that weak hand (and weak foot!)
- You’re exhausted from coordination exercises and drills that aren’t getting you anywhere
- And worst of all you have no idea where to start to fix this or what to practice to solve 4-way coordination once & for all
…And so here’s what happens:
You’re left feeling defeated, discouraged, and wondering if all the time (and money!) you’ve spent learning the drums has been a waste.
Your loved ones have watched you and your lack of progress, and they’ve probably wondered the same thing.
At best, you’re ready to give up on your lifelong dream of learning the drums and move on to another hobby.
At worst, you’re ashamed and embarrassed, realizing you’ll NEVER be good enough to feel true freedom over your instrument, creatively playing the musical ideas you hear in your head.
My coordination FAIL with a band...
Look - I get it!
I've been there.
I remember being a beginner drummer, playing in the high school worship band at my church and struggling with not having enough 4-way coordination.Â
We were playing a song with a tom groove one morning, and I remember having to focus SO HARD just to keep it together and not train wreck the band. I remember my Sunday school teacher afterwards complimenting me for my effort but telling me how focused and angry I looked while playing because of how hard I was striving.
But here’s the crazy thing! Just a few months later, we played that same song again. And this second time, the tom groove was EASY for me. I remember just relaxing, having fun, and playing the song. I noticed a huge difference, and so did my fellow band mates!
So what changed?
Well that’s what I’m here to teach you.
Let me be your guide and help you go from total beginner (if that’s where you’re at) to complete 4-way coordination that gives you power, command, freedom, and musicality behind everything you play.
This is why I created for you TOTAL 4-Way Coordination!
- Any beginner drummer can play what they hear in their head by using the TOTAL 4-Way Coordination Method, because it puts all 4 limbs on autopilot and makes everything you ever play EASIER.
- Execute the ideas in your head so you can CONFIDENTLY play your favorite songs & AMAZE fellow musicians - All while following a 30-minute-a-day system that’s so much fun you forget you’re practicing coordination.
Now this is all well and good (and I’m going to tell you lots more about how this simple, fun, transformative system will change your playing forever)…but I don’t want you to just take MY word for it.
Thousands of drummers have worked through the free PDF e-guide, “30 Days to 4-Way Rock Coordination for the Beginner Drummer,” and have gotten tremendous results just from this simple PDF. If you can grow your coordination from a 14 page PDF, imagine the results you can get from this full-blown course!
Here’s what 5 students said as they described their drumming before & after working through this free 30-day e-guide…
JOIN TODAY. Find out which version of the course is right for youWhat students have been saying about 4WC...

Asher E.
"Last night I felt so much more musical than I've ever felt."
“…Last night I felt so much more musical than I've ever felt, because my ears are more available, and I'm not exclusively focused on getting my limbs to work together anymore. It was a great feeling. So thanks so much for everything you teach! I'm a way better drummer than I ever hoped to be, and I feel empowered to get even better, because I know how to get there, thanks to you.”
"Feeling way good about my accomplishments."

Matt B.
"I am finding it easier to focus on & hear what I am playing much better than before."
“Independence & timing were difficult for me without following a step by step approach. Random videos helped a little but weren't enough.
“After the first lesson and after working through the songs and additional exercises, I could feel a change in my playing happening, subconscious at first… but as I have worked through the steps so far, I am finding it easier to focus on & hear what I am playing much better than before.
“There’s a distinct sort of instinct developing in my approach now, and I certainly stress less about the coordination/ independence problem. This is a process - a marathon - but very worthwhile.”
"This is amazing! Now [my hihats] sound much better :)"

"This course was a huge advancement for me.”
“My personal frustration area was practice time. I have no problem spending a lot of time working on a particular area. Some days It was non stop practice and and at the end of a long session I felt I should have mastered the lesson which wasn’t the case.
“About midway through Module 3 the basics started setting in. I was having consistent, positive results and I knew at that point 4WC was going to work for me. Actually now that I have advanced through this program, practicing the material is really fun and I feel a great accomplishment.
“After time it did work and I feel like this course was a huge advancement for me.”
Check out what Non Glamorous students are able to do after building even a little 4-way coordination!
Only available during your first 3 days as a new subscriber (and available to everyone from Sept 19-23) - 2 free bonus mini courses!

2 free mini courses, added to your purchase automatically [$97 value]
"The Shuffle Crash Course" (Nail blues shuffles and halftime shuffles like “Rosanna”)
“Build coordination AWAY from the kit” (Deepen your independence MENTALLY without even touching your sticks)
- Build coordination away from the kit, even if all you have are sticks & a practice pad (The surprisingly simple & effective steps that make this possible)
- Deepen your independence MENTALLY without even touching your drum sticks (The unconventional way to use music listening to actually further your coordination)
- Learn a blues shuffle, halftime shuffle, and other unique grooves you’ve heard in classic songs like “Everybody Wants to Rule the World” (Tears for Fears) or “Fool in the Rain” (Led Zeppelin).
- Build left foot timekeeping into songs - even if you don’t hear it on the record (So that you can truly become a 4-way coordination master, freeing your hands to play whatever they want)
Here's what students have been saying about our last Non Glamorous course, TOTAL Hand Freedom...

What fellow Non Glamorous drummers are saying after working through the free guide...

"I had a hard time opening and closing the hihat consistently and in time. It seems like the exercises I found were kind of all or none. Nothing seemed to be a good fit.
"I am now able to jump into new songs easier - it seems like [this system] has helped me feel the music through all 4 limbs - Like I know what all the pieces of the drum set are contributing!"

"My challenge was my weaker hand, but independence and 16th note grooves were also a brick wall. I was stuck with a lot of fits and stops and re-learning of even basic techniques. It was getting really tedious and not a lot of fun.
"I can't say enough good things about your guide, Stephen. When I got to Day 11, everything started changing. Maybe it was the first time I felt I could get each limb to do its own thing. It almost feels like my joints are thawing out."

"As a beginner I was at a very low level of coordination. Especially my right hand and left foot (hihat) could not “cooperate” as I wanted.
"I started seeing significant growth around exercise #13. The key was: start it slow :). And after about a half an hour it started to work. For me this was a wow moment :)
"Coordination is a long journey, but now I’m definitely achieving FLOW in my playing! :)"

"Separating my hands from my feet seemed overwhelming and impossible. But the guided exercises that focused on gradually gaining independence in the 30 day guide helped so much.
"My open hihat groves became more focused, which is awesome!! I’m now able to play more syncopated grooves with better focus."

"I wasn’t able to play anything other than a straight 8th beat. And my tempos for 16th note kick patterns kept me feeling like I was a perpetual beginner.
"Some of the points you make [in the guide] were life changing for my drumming. The first 10 days have helped me free my mind so much, and I can't wait to get through this and see how it continues to help me.
"This simple little lesson plan has been huge in helping me and I wanted to let you know how grateful I am. This lesson has been one of the biggest transformations for me since I started. Thanks again."
If these students got THESE results from a free 14 p. e-guide...imagine the kind of coordination results you can get from a full-blown course!
Here are a few “superpowers” you’ll gain as you work through this 4-way coordination system:
-  You’ll gain the command & confidence over your instrument so that you can be proud of your progress and your accomplishment on the drums
-  You’ll grow so much that family, bandmates, and fellow musicians notice your newfound confidence, fluidity, and comfort behind what you play on the drums as you nail what you want to play with ease
-  You’ll gain foot speed & fluidityÂ
-  You’ll be able to play any right hand OR left foot timekeeping pattern without messing up the kick & snare
-  You’ll be able to maintain hihat control with your left foot while playing around the kit
-  You’ll find yourself still able to keep steady time while playing a busier, syncopated kick-snare pattern
-  You’ll be able to split your right foot from your right hand for free playing,
- Â Solve your weak hand AND weak foot,
- Â And play syncopated rhythms & basic polyrhythms with ease.
-  You’ll be able to play different subdivisions with different limbs (8ths with RH, 16ths with LH for example)…
- Â Mix your kick drum into fills,
- Â And even get your bass drum pedal & hihat stand optimized for maximum speed & smoothness
We’ve put together for you everything you need to know…and eliminated the fluff you DON’T need to know so that you’re doing all of these things just 6-12 months from now if you’re spending 30 minutes a day on the lessons.
A little more on how these lessons work…
The entire program is made up of 6 modules each moving you through a key phase in coordination growth:
Module #1:
Optimize Your Pedals for Faster Feet [$67 value]: Set yourself up for faster volume, speed, and coordination success | The foot techniques & pedal adjustments that will save you months (or even years) of stress and frustration
Module #2:
Lock Your Limbs Together & Eliminate Sloppiness (Basic Rock) [$67 value]: Lock your limbs together for precise, tight playing - While eliminating sloppiness & keeping automatic time with your left foot on the hats
Module #3:
Play Syncopated Kick-Snare Patterns With Ease (Intermediate Rock) [$77 value]: Build your foundation for syncopated improvisation between kick & snare | The method that leads to linear playing & jazz intricacy
Module #4:
Nail Musical Tom Grooves By Mastering 2 Polyrhythyms (Advanced Rock) [$97 value]: Develop complete freedom between limbs & around the kit | Create polyrhythms between hands and feet, playing syncopated & musical tom grooves & alternating hihat 16th grooves.
Module #5:
Play Jazz Like a PRO [$97 value]: The 4-Way Jazz Independence Method for Not-Jazz Drummers | Freely improvise kick & snare rhythms while keeping swing time on the ride
Module #6:
Play Latin Like a PRO [$97 value]: The 4-Way Latin Independence Method for Not-Latin Drummers | Fake your way through a Latin tune by knowing the simple building blocks
[$502 total value]
JOIN NOW. Find out which version of the course is right for youHow the course is structured:
Within those modules are bite-sized, 5-10 minute, step-by-step lessons focusing on just one key groove or pattern.
- We break down every aspect of the groove, teaching you all the techniques you need to nail it so you’re never stuck!
- Learn however you choose - By reading the notation, watching me play, or by listening. (No matter how you learn, you’ll be able to succeed here.)
- Every lesson also contains optional exercises you can practice to help reinforce what you’re doing to learn the new groove.
- And every lesson links a particular song (or two or three) you can go check out to hear what you’re practicing in action - and apply what you’re learning to real music. This is so much more fun than just drills & exercises out of a method book!
[Bonus exercises & songs = $97 value]
With every lesson you also receive a PDF handbook.
- It includes all the notation and key action steps that you can download or print out and take to your practice room...
- ...So that knowing exactly what to practice and when to practice it has never been easier or more straightforward.
[The Total 4-Way Coordination Handbook = $97 value]
We include all the detail you need, like...
- What tempo(s) to practice at
- How to approach & learn the groove
- How to use any necessary techniques
- (Most importantly!) How to measure your progress and know when you’re ready to move on to the next lesson
- (PLUS!) Play-along recordings at different tempos so that you can practice more effectively and grow even faster
[Play-along recordings = $47]
I’m holding your hand throughout the entire process so that you’re never alone, always getting your questions answered, and constantly making quick progress.
[TOTAL VALUE = $743]
At this point you are empowered to not just learn 4-way coordination.
You’re inspired & motivated to build COMMAND and musical power over the kit so that you’re relaxed, playing fluidly and without having to try hard, and simply having a blast nailing whatever you want to play.
Now the big question.
How much will this program cost?
Well, when we add up all the awesome stuff you’re getting and the transformation it’s going to automatically deliver to your drumming, we’ve got a...
$743 value!
AND… there’s actually more that I’m going to tell you about in a minute.
By the way - You have quick access to myself (your coach) as you’re working through the course, because you can ask me anything at any time as you progress through the lessons. I’ll be holding your hand and making sure you succeed all along the way. You don’t have to go at this alone, and you don’t have to ever fear getting stuck like you would if you were working through a method book.
All in all, I could charge a lot for this because of how valuable and transformative this really is. But I want to make this easily affordable and accessible to YOU, so you won’t pay $750 or even $400.
Instead, you can grab the entire course for just $147.
Dive into the course now!
You’ve got nothing to lose, because you can take advantage of my “My solid-as-a-supraphonice-snare Guarantee...”
Enroll now!My "Solid-as-a-Supraphonic-Snare" 90 Day Guarantee
TOTAL 4-Way Coordination comes with with a 100% money back guarantee.
When you dive into this complete method...
- You’ll be playing anything you hear in your head so you can CONFIDENTLY play your favorite songs & AMAZE fellow musicians - All while following a 30-minute-a-day system that’s so much fun you forget you’re practicing coordination.
- You’ll be consistently playing with all 4 limbs on autopilot because you now have the coordination SYSTEM in your back pocket…
Or else I’ll make it right - guaranteed.
That’s the advantage of learning the drums the Non Glamorous way. We get right to it, eliminating the fluff and helping you grow FASTER.
If at any moment you decide that the TOTAL 4-way coordination method hasn’t delivered the results you were expecting, I’ll give you a complete refund.
All you have to do is shoot me an email at [email protected] saying “give me my refund!” in the subject line, and I’ll give you your money back no questions asked. There are no strings attached, no forms to fill out, and I won’t question you.
As a matter of fact, you can try out the program for a full 90 days.
If at the end of the 3 months you’re not...
- Having an easier time playing what you hear in your head thanks to a coordination method that delivers faster, more precise feet, deep 4-way coordination that will amaze yourself and anyone who hears you...
- Relaxing and having FUN again on the drums with everything you play…
Then I wouldn’t feel right keeping your money.
I’ll refund you completely, and you’ll even get to keep the course.
I am so confident that this system will transform your playing that I’ll take on all the risk here and make this decision a no-brainer for you.
Join the program today!
But wait there's more :) Seriously, though!
I mentioned a minute ago there are some special bonuses coming your way when you enroll…Â
I want to make sure you are as fully equipped and empowered for success as possible, so when you sign up you’re not just receiving the full course. You’re also getting access to an extra module that’s essentially a stand-alone mini course designed to help you out a BUNCH…
The Linear FORMULA | Insert your kick into FILLS at will & Nail intricate linear grooves
Here's what we're doing:
- Breaking down the individual steps that give each of your limbs the ability to play independently of the other
- (This means improvising creative patterns AND inserting your kick drum into fills at will!)
- Learning my formula for turning any “normal” groove into a linear pattern at will.
- (This is a lot of fun, and this will change the way you approach linear drumming & creative fills.)
Personal Evaluation
On top of all that, you can also opt into a personal evaluation from myself.
- You send me a video of your playing or of you asking questions and showing me what you’re working on… And I reply with all the advice & input to help you get unstuck or stay on track and keep barreling toward success.
- This is your shortcut to knowing that you’re practicing things right and staying on track and not getting stuck. I’m here to help you every step of the way!
I want you to think ahead 12 months from now...
If you join Total 4-Way Coordination and take action on the lessons...
Where will your playing be in a year?
When I started practicing this stuff, I saw tremendous results in just a few short months. I went from angry, constipated focus to relaxing and having fun. :) Imagine yourself doing that too!
Imagine the feeling of...
- Freely playing what you hear in your head
- No more freeze-ups or brain farts threatening to train wreck your playin
- Friends and family (and fellow bandmates) noticing how much more fluid, confident, and relaxed you are behind the kit
You have a...
- Newfound command and power behind your instrument
- Everyone will wonder how in the world you made so much progress in so little time! (YOU’LL know, though, and at the same time you’ll be amazed yourself.)
- You’ll be so proud of how you were much more capable of 4-way coordination success than you originally thought
It’s all about taking that first step.
BUT… on the flip side...
Imagine life 12 months from now if you DON’T enroll in TOTAL 4-Way Coordination.
What will things look like then?
Probably the same way they do now.
- You’ll still be stuck with your brain just not having enough “bandwidth” to play what you want to play
- That left foot will still be struggling to keep time
- Your right foot will be tied to your right hand and unable to participate freely in grooves or fills
- You’ll still be dealing with a weak hand & weak foot...
- ...and anytime you change your timekeeping pattern your whole kick-snare groove will get thrown off
- You’ll struggle to feel balanced, relaxed, and creative on the kit because you’re having to think really hard to make anything happen
- You’re exhausted from all the exercises and drills you learned on youtube that still aren’t getting you anywhere...
- ...and you’re losing hope and motivation for being able to be good enough to play with a band
- You feel the weight of family members seeing and hearing you practice all the time… but not really having any results to show for it.
I don’t want you in that place, and I doubt you do either.
Which way will you go?
This is it.
I want you to make a decision right now.
Either you’re in, or you’re out.
You can either keep doing things the way you’ve been doing them…and likely go nowhere.
Or take action, dive into the course, and become the well-coordinated, master drummer you were made to be.
You can dive into the program for an entire 90 days risk-free, so you have nothing to lose. YOU CAN DO THIS!
Join “Total 4-Way Coordination” and begin transforming your playing today.
- Play anything you hear in your head so you can CONFIDENTLY play your favorite songs & AMAZE fellow musicians - All while following a 30-minute-a-day system that’s so much fun you forget you’re practicing coordination.
Click the “join now” button below to get rolling.
- That will take you straight to a checkout page where you can then enter a credit card number or link your PayPal account.
- After that, click “complete my purchase,” and you’ll receive a confirmation email with login info and you’ll be good to go!
- I’ll let you know exactly what to do from there.
I’ll see you in the course! Stay Non Glamorous.
- Stephen
Join NowHere’s what we’re covering in detail…
Module #1 - Optimize Your Pedals for Faster Feet: Set yourself up for faster volume, speed, and coordination success
The foot techniques & pedal adjustments that will save you months (or even years) of stress and frustration
- Lesson 1: Make EVERYTHING easier for your right foot | Kick pedal adjustment & optimization
- Lesson 2: Achieve more speed & volume than you thought possible | Right foot technique & strength-building
- Lesson 3: Get more musicality & versatility out of your hats | 5 Hihat stand adjustment & optimization points
- Lesson 4: Build the foundation for an autopilot left foot | Left foot technique & strength-building
Module #2 - Lock Your Limbs Together & Eliminate Sloppiness:
Lock your limbs together for precise, tight playing - While eliminating sloppiness & keeping automatic time with your left foot on the hats
- Lesson 1: Solve the biggest “drummer problem” right off the bat | The “Money Beat”
- Lesson 2: The most neglected piece of the puzzle | The “Money Beat” with left foot 2 & 4
- Lesson 3: The easy MISTAKE making your simple grooves sound amateur | The “Four on the Floor” groove
- Lesson 4: Target the most PROBLEMATIC limb relationship | The “We Will Rock You” groove
- Lesson 5: The simple switch that completely wreaks HAVOC | Adding hihat open notes to the groove
- Lesson 6: First step to playing syncopated kick patterns | The “And of 2” groove
- Lesson 7: Mentally process & hear both feet simultaneously | Adding hihat open notes to this groove
- Lesson 8: The left foot LEG BOUNCE challenge | The “Money Beat” with left foot 8ths
- Lesson 9: The move that gives any simple groove SWING | Switching left foot to “ands”
- Lesson 10: Put your Right hand / Right foot relationship to the test | The “Clocks” groove
- Lesson 11: What happens when a groove crosses over the barline? | The “Beautiful Day” groove
Module #3 - Play Syncopated Kick-Snare Patterns With Ease: Build your foundation for syncopated improvisation between kick & snare
The method that leads to linear playing & jazz intricacy
- Lesson 1: Get your left hand to STOP following your right hand! | The simple 16th snare groove
- Lesson 2: Separate your left hand from your left foot | The simple 16th SN groove with left foot quarters
- Lesson 3: Play hihat open notes independent of your kick-snare pattern | The simple 16th SN groove w/ hihat open notes
- Lesson 4: BREAK APART your right foot from your right hand | The simple 16th kick groove
- Lesson 5: Take your foot-to-foot independence to the next level… | Adding left foot 2 & 4
- Lesson 6: Face HEAD-ON the most challenging moment in an open hat groove | Moving RH to hihat
- Lesson 7: The challenge that puts your feet to the test | Move RH back to ride, add left foot 8ths
- Lesson 8: Build true independence & interplay between kick & snare | The Paradiddle groove
- Lesson 9: The TINY adjustment that gives EVERY drummer a hard time | The Paradiddle groove with quarter note timekeeping
- Lesson 10: Incorporate the most FUN & FUNKY timekeeping pattern | The “Money Beat” with RH 16ths
- Lesson 11: Can you pass the ULTIMATE tightness test?? | The Paradiddle groove with 16th timekeeping
- Lesson 12: Treat your left foot as an equal with your right hand… | The Paradiddle groove with RH & left foot 8th timekeeping
- Lesson 13: The SLIGHT adjustment that moves your ear to your left foot | Switching the left foot 8ths to “ands”
Module #4 - Nail Musical Tom Grooves By Mastering 2 Polyrhythyms: Develop complete freedom between limbs & around the kit
Create polyrhythms between hands and feet, playing syncopated & musical tom grooves & alternating hihat 16th grooves.
- Lesson 1: Why you TRAINWRECK when a fill arrives in a song | Play around the kit while keeping FOOT TIME
- Lesson 2: Use & incorporate the most common, musical polyrhythm | The 4:3 Polyrhythm
- Lesson 3 (Part 1): How we can make this a “real groove” to use in songs | The 4:3 tom groove variations
- Lesson 3 (Part 2): Create 2 wacky, unique tom grooves with this same polyrhythm | The 4:3 tom groove variations
- Lesson 4: The simplest way to create syncopation in 6/8 TIME | The 3:2 Polyrhythm
- Lesson 5: Make this pattern even more musical & applicable | The 3:2 groove variations
- Lesson 6: What if the 16th hihat timekeeping is too fast for one hand? | The “Four on the Floor” with alternating hihat 16ths
- Lesson 7: The shift that instantly makes alternating 16th timekeeping a LOT HARDER | The “And of 2” groove with alternating 16ths
- Lesson 8: The struggle that keeps us STUCK, only playing snare on 2 & 4 | The Simple 16th groove with alternating hihat 16ths
- Lesson 9: Target the most difficult limb combination there is | The 16th Kick-Snare groove with alternating 16ths
- Lesson 10: What if we want to add open notes to our hihat pattern? | The “Four on the Floor” groove with hihat 16ths & open notes
- Lesson 11: Introducing the “HIHAT BARK” - How to nail these | Adding in open notes on the “a’s”
- Lesson 12: Sound like the FUNKIEST drummer ever! | Adding a hihat “bark” with the kick
- Lesson 13: The “mental GEAR-SWITCH” with hihat open notes | Adding another hihat open note with the kick
Module #5 - Play Jazz Like a PRO: The 4-Way Jazz Independence Method for Not-Jazz Drummers
Freely improvise kick & snare rhythms while keeping swing time on the ride
- Lesson 1: The simple pattern that will have you feeling like a jazz drummer in no time! | Basic snare comping pattern
- Lesson 2: Trick your brain with the “Syncopation SUBTRACTION method” | Removing the snare on beat 3
- Lesson 3: Create MORE syncopation with LESS notes | Removing the snare on beat 1 as well
- Lesson 4: Why kick improvisation is HARDER | Basic kick comping pattern
- Lesson 5: Create kick syncopation the same way we did with the snare! | Removing the kick on beat 3
- Lesson 6: Continue challenging your right foot control by playing LESS | Removing the kick on beat 1
- Lesson 7: Play jazz melodically | Swing Rhythm #1
- Lesson 8: Incorporate “dynamic independence” | Swing Rhythm #2
- Lesson 9: The discomfort of “SPACE” | Swing Rhythm #3
- Lesson 10: The ear-shift challenge | Swing Rhythm #4
- Lesson 11: The melody that crosses the barline | Swing Rhythm #5
- Lesson 12: The MOST POWERFUL jazz swing exercise | The “Kick-Snare Split”
- Lesson 13: The MOST CHALLENGING jazz swing exercise | The “Foot Split”
Module #6 - Play Latin Like a PRO: The 4-Way Latin Independence Method for Not-Latin Drummers
Fake your way through a Latin tune by knowing the simple building blocks
- Lesson 1: Why the “Bossa Nova” isn’t actually that hard | The 3:2 Polyrhythm Bossa
- Lesson 2: Play a polyrhythm with your hands while keeping FOOT TIME | Adding “back-and-forth” feet
- Lesson 3: Propel the groove along by adding one more kick note | The full Bossa Nova groove
- Lesson 4: Spice up your Bossa Nova by REMOVING two right hand notes | The RH “Ta-Ting”
- Lesson 5: Avoid getting tied down & stuck here… | Cross Stick Variation #1
- Lesson 6: Be able to independently LISTEN to your left hand | Cross Stick Variation #2
- Lesson 7: Give the groove more SPACE with the “tricky kick switch-up” | Bossa Nova with “1 - And” kick pattern
- Lesson 8: Add more syncopation by REMOVING the downbeat | Bossa Nova with “and - 4” kick pattern
- Lesson 9: Give your right hand the freedom to SYNCOPATE | The “Samba-style” right hand rhythm
- Lesson 10: The simple CHEAT the creates a fun, jazz-Latin feel | Adding snare ghosting
- Lesson 11: How to creatively use these Latin skills in rock grooves | Play rock grooves with Latin timekeeping patterns
Module #7 (BONUS) - The Linear FORMULA | Insert your kick into FILLS at will & Nail intricate linear grooves
- Lesson 1: The hand-foot struggle you can overcome RIGHT NOW | Linear “Twos”
- Lesson 2: Use “Bonham Triplets” to really get your linear playing TIGHT | Linear “Threes”
- Lesson 3: The EASIEST way to mix the kick into fills around the kit | Linear “Fours”
- Lesson 4: Mix kick DOUBLES into your fills | Linear Doubles
- Lesson 5: Create unique fills with “Linear Paradiddles” | “Linear Paradiddles” with alternating hands
- Lesson 6: Spark your creativity with these 5 linear KICK fills | 5 example linear fills
- Lesson 7: The FORMULA for creating linear grooves on the fly | Turning basic 16th grooves into linear grooves